How to integrate aiobastion with my “regular” sync programs ?

Basically, we just need to call asyncio.run() to run async code in sync function.

  • Login the first time and keep track of your EPV object

  • Reuse it each time you need

import asyncio
import sys
import time

import aiobastion
from aiobastion import GetTokenException

# Automatic login using configuration setup
async def login_cyberark():
    # tests.CONFIG="/path/to/config_file.yml"
    epv_env = aiobastion.EPV(tests.CONFIG)
        await epv_env.login()
    except GetTokenException as err:
        raise f"Error while trying to login to the vault : {err}"
    return epv_env

async def logoff_cyberark(epv_session):
    await epv_session.logoff()

# Some async function that performs tasks into PVWA
async def list_safes(epv):
    return await epv.safe.list()

# Sync function
def main():
    print("Main program started python", sys.version)

    # Async login to Cyberark
    epv_session: aiobastion.EPV = asyncio.run(login_cyberark())

    # Doing sync stuff
    for i in range(3):
        print(f"Main program iteration {i}")

    # Doing async stuff
    safes = asyncio.run(list_safes(epv_session))
    print(f"List of Safes : {safes}")

    # Close connexion at the end, because we don't use context manager
    print("All good !")

if __name__ == "__main__":

How to reuse my token for separate programs ?

If you are using it through a website and you want the client to keep his credentials in cookies:
  • Store the serialized EPV session in user session

  • Rebuild the EPV object using the serialized object that contains the token.

  • Don’t forget to check if your token is still valid in Cyberark before reusing it!

If you are running multiple event loops but inside the same program:
  • Call login function multiple time with you config file, if the token was obtained it will be reused.

Here’s an example of serialization / deserialization:

# Save your session in json
epv_json = epv_session.to_json()

# Pass information to another program the way you want

# Other program:
# Utility function to rebuild EPV object from serialized session
async def get_session(epv_session):
    epv = aiobastion.EPV(serialized=epv_session)
    if not await epv.check_token():
        # Ensure that the token is still valid
        raise GetTokenException
    return epv

epv = asyncio.run(get_session(epv_json))
safes = asyncio.run(list_safes(epv))
print(f"List of Safes : {safes}")

# For security reasons, you want to logoff at the end.